After your presentation at our screening meeting, our members will have an opportunity to engage with you in a 10 minute Q&A session. Keep your answers brief and to the point. Your goal is to gain interest from our members so you can move on to the next stage – due diligence. Avoid long-winded answers.
Entrepreneurs must balance and prioritize limited resources. Success depends on reducing Company risk factors, not just technology risk
Entrepreneurs must understand the difference between features and benefits. What key pain points do you solve? Is your solution “must have” or “nice to have?” What are your customer’s other options (doing nothing is an option)? Who are the early adopters? What drivers will expand your customer base beyond early adopters?
Most first-time entrepreneurs dramatically underestimate the time and resources needed to gain market acceptance. What must you demonstrate to drive uptake? Unrealistic expectations can cause missed milestones, disastrous follow-on financing terms, and leadership changes.
Is the largest investment at the highest valuation your best choice? Not necessarily. The wrong investors can negatively impact the company and vision, especially at critical junctures. The right investors add value and positive influences for company success.